Photography, Cycling and the Internets


Making Contact

Making Contact


Part of the reason why I didn’t post much last year was due to softball.  My daughter made a competitive team and I signed up as the volunteer team photographer.  It was a great excuse to get a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens and get my practice in for sports photography.   What I didn’t know was quite how many images I would shoot and the trials of shooting softball.  The action in softball is very fast and you’re never quite sure where the ball is going to go.  At least you know where the plays are likely to happen.  The hard part, which became somewhat of an addiction, is to try to get good shots at interesting points in the play.  I shot some 25,000 frames over the 6-week tournament season.  There are tons of useless shots, some good story shots that are weak in composition, and some nice moments.  I’ll post some of the latter this year.

In the image above was taken in the last hour or so of sunlight.  The sun was behind me and things were starting to turn very orange.  This is one of the very few ball-on-bat moments I was able to capture.  If I remember correctly, this ball launched off the bat and was good for at least a double.